
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

♫And I how miss someone to hold, when hope begins to fade...

I only applied to SJSU this past Fall and I have small hopes of getting in. =/

They only accept full upper division transfers and I won't have my upper math done by then. And on top of that, now they only accept students from the Santa Clara county area.

So if I get accepted, awesome. If not, I'm giving up my dream of becoming a Spartan.

This whole afternoon I've been looking up stuff on Sac State's website. The newspaper said legislature is pushing Sac state to accept more students and students who go to Delta have a high chance of going there. 

So my plan for next Fall is applying to Sacramento with a Criminal Justice major.

My other choice is Chico state with a Psychology major.

I can go into law enforcement with pretty much any bachelors degree according to the experts.

I hope I get into some 4 year school. By the time I apply for more schools next Fall, I'll be full upper division. And I'll be 500x more confident        :]

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