
Sunday, April 12, 2015

So Google or whoever is hosting Blogger is giving me the option to buy a domain when I went to start this new post for $12. Would be nice to straight up have my *insertnamehere*.com I may look into that.

Work has been going well. Matthew and I are looking to buy a house in a few months or so. I'm heading to California on vacation at the end of May and hitting up Fanimecon. My paid vacation resets in June and at this point I get 11 paid days off every 6 months which will keep increasing alongside raises every year in the long run. 

I made a nifty collage today of Anime I grew up watching. I tried to cram everything onto here but I missed a minor few: 
I tried to make it mostly in order what I grew up watching from top left across going in rows down to the bottom right.

I am mainly looking forward to Digimon Adventure Tri whenever it comes out. 

Living out in North Carolina this past year and a half has made me care less overall what others think of me more and more.

I have a lot of creative ideas...and need to manage my time better to implement them. I wanna work more on art, creativity and my youtube channel but I never do. Someday I'll get to it.

I did juicing for 7 days straight and lost 10 lbs from that. Started eating again and gained 2 pounds but I've stayed at my weight. At some point I need to tackle another juicing reboot and working out simultaneously head on.