
Friday, September 16, 2011

In the sky, depression swirls in absurdity.

Fuzzy looks on in amazement.
I have custody of Bun Bun now xD; I cleaned out his cage today. I'd let him run around on the front lawn if he wasn't such a pain to catch. He runs around in my room instead. He is FAST compared to the guinea pigs I used to have.

I gotta send in my transcripts to Chico. Otherwise they'll cancel my application. 

Gonna go see The Lion King 3D tomorrow. :3 My favorite childhood movie! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What a horrible night to have a curse...

Today I was very productive. I destroyed a shirt ;]
 I was supposed to go to Seth's concert but meh. Didn't feel like it. I was pissy among other reasons but I went to Chipotle with my babe and his parents. It was yummy! And we cruised around in the BMW which blew my hair all over the place and we got lots of looks lol
He was putting on his seatbelt xD;

Tomorrow after work, I shall tackle this messy room of mine. @_@

Friday, September 9, 2011

I've been working out like crazy!

I have weight training class Tuesday/Thursday from 12:30-1:45. It's a lot of fun!

I also run around the block when I get a chance to. I do crunches, pushups and bicycles plus random stretching each night.

Chocolate is the very last thing I wanna consume at this point, but lately my body has been craving it like crazy like never before in my life. Especially when I'm at work on lunch, I wanna buy something healthy but I keep starring at Chocolate pudding cups, candies and chocolate cookies.

I bought a big tub of chocolate pudding, took 3 bites and pushed it aside.

Cel said that my body has been working hard and knows chocolate will give me a "quick boost" to regain some short term energy. Otherwise, my body is trying to access my fat deposits if it can't have chocolate to use as energy which is what I WANT my body to do!

To burn off those fat deposits.

But I get cravings/light headed trying to do so.

So every time I crave chocolate, I need to mentally tell myself no, drink orange juice instead. Since Orange Juice is a lot healthier and helps with blood sugar. Yes I know some Orange Juices have a TON of sugar or aren't even 100% juice. I avoid those brands/lets not get into that.

I've also been trying to drink/eat as much protein as possible. I have muscle milk powder at home that I mix with water (it tastes awful though). Bought some Myoplex on closeout. I have taken Nitropeak and I just bought the protein drinks at Costco in bulk. 18 pack of drinks for $26. 30 grams of protein each drink. Tons of minerals/vitamins and only 1 gram of sugar.
They taste really good :3