Last night after work, I met up with Robby and his little cousin Vincent in the Gamestop line. There was hundreds of people there and one line was for people who needed to pay off the game/get their ticket and the ones who already got their ticket like Robby. So I didn't get my ticket yet but I stood in line next to Robby anyways. Salina (current manager of the Gamestop we were at that I used to work at) came by with Red Bulls and yummy treats. She came over randomly later with a Call of Duty hat and gave it to me then took me out of line and let me go in first to get my ticket ahead of the other line of people that needed to pay to get theirs.
I was like " :D "and Robby's like " ._. "
It was awesome, Salina dragged me in the store and pointed at Rudy and said "She's first!" lol I felt spoiled by Salina last night. I even got a bumper sticker, magnet and some tattoo's of MW3.
So after I got my ticket, I walked out and I was bundled up in my old MW2 blanket and some guy noticed it was like like "oh my god, where did you get that?" and I was like "The mall in Modesto, at F.Y.E" and he's like "how much did you pay for it" and I said "$20" and he's like "I'll buy it off you" and I was like "But I wanna keep it" lol he got upset.
In a way I wanted to sell it but it was keeping me warm for the launch and 3 other people asked me where I bought it later so apparently it's hard to find. xD I'll sells it on ebay later maybe.
I also got in line and played the map Underground on PS3. I wasn't used to the controls but I figured them out. The guy next to me was like "R3 means you click in the right analog stick" as the second I did so and he's oh like "nevermind, I guess I shouldn't under mind the females". Wtf? Bitch. I revived you twice. Lol. Right as I bought the UMP45 in the game, the staff kicked us off and let the next people play. But I was only playing for 5 mins and the people in front of us got like 20 mins =/

Then there was a raffle with the red tickets and I was up hella close to the speaker cause I felt really lucky and cheerful last night. So they called my number which was "769" and I jumped up and down and they directed me to a table where there was a ton of prizes and Salina was standing right there helping me pick. I was tempted to get a CoD Elite shirt but it was a guys small xP too small and they also had nice girly sparkly black wallets with the gold Zelda wing emblem on them among other stuff, but I looked off to the side and I saw the big CoD MW3 promo stand they put on display in the store and I'm like "Can I take that?" and Salina was like "Do you really want the stand?" and I said "yeah" so she grabs the stand and I carry it out of the crowd and people start going crazy like "WHY DOES SHE GET IT!?!?!" and I even heard "She's a GIRL! D:<"! and I didn't care, I walked out proudly of the crowd and went down the line to where Robby was and he looked up in a sorta shock and he was like "What?!?!" lol and then I put the stand in Prizm.

I was trying to play PSP in line but was too distracted by everyone at the launch and the dj etc, haha we were standing next to two Asian guys, I think their names were Kevin and Ray and so we talked to them for a bit about the game but they were PS3 players so we'll never talk to them again prolly lol since we are 360 people.
Finally we went in and got our game. I was surprised to see how big the hardened edition was (that's what she said) - ran out to my car and sped home to play it, I played till like 4 in the morning.
It's fun so far but at the same time it just feels like a new MW2 but harder with more maps and guns. I got to level 32 today but I had to take a break sooo yeah needa rest my eyes.